Yorktown Grange - 862

2021 Calendar Archive

Heartfelt thanks to all of the amazing people who came out this weekend to enjoy the 97th annual Yorktown Grange Fair! We want to especially thank the volunteers who put in countless hours to make this fair a stunning success. We also humbly thank all of those who sponsored us in any way and all of our vendors who help make this such a special event for our community! See you next year at the 98th annual Yorktown Grange Fair!!

Mark Franks 
Master - Yorktown Grange #862


The Grange was built out of a time of great strife in our nation, directly after the Civil War. Maybe at no time before or since have we seen our people so divided. Yet, Granges at that time helped bring together their communities to debate issues with civility and see the common ground of work that could still be done to improve our nation and the quality of life for all its citizens.  

Today we move forward in that tradition, and as such provide a forum for divergent viewpoints to be aired. We also support the efforts of young and old in our community to learn and grow, and foster creativity and the display the talents of our neighbors. As such, and upon request, we provided sponsorship for the display placed in our fair by the Yorktown for Justice group. While every part of their mission and strategy may not align with our own, we believe - as said in the foundational Declaration of Purposes of the Grange - that “difference of opinion is no crime.”

We cannot be great as a community or nation without supporting efforts to raise the individual, be it through skill development or a forum for the free exchange of ideas. Moving forward, we will continue our efforts to improve our community with concern for minority and majority opinion - we can learn from each. We thank everyone who took part in our fair as vendor, exhibitor or attendee and urge charity in our approach to our fellow man.

Yorktown Grange Fair

Car Show Flyer

Big Truck Day

Ada Ereno Fundraiser

Yorktown Monarch Butterfly Poster

Yorktown Monarch Proclamation

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