2018 Calendar Archive
Westchester's newest Fall event is coming to Yorktown!
Come be a part of Westchester's newest live pumpkin carving
competition, Battle of the Jack O'Lanterns!
If you're looking for something new this Halloween season, check
us out! See 100 talented local carvers and sculptors slice,
dice, and create gourd-geous works of pumpkin art LIVE!
WHEN and WHERE: Battle of the Jack O'Lanterns
will take place October 19th and 20th 2018 at the Yorktown
Grange Fairgrounds in Westchester County, New York.
SPECTATOR TICKETS: Due to the size of the
venue, there are a LIMITED NUMBER of SPECTATOR TICKETS available
per night! Advanced Tickets are REQUIRED and we expect tickets
For more informations and tickets click